Jailed Crouch End kidnapper Abdi Waise 'hunted for children for sex'

Jailed Crouch End kidnapper Abdi Waise 'hunted for children for sex'

abdi waise

A man who was jailed for trying to kidnap five schoolgirls by pretending to be a police officer "had sex on his mind", a judge has said.
Judge Witold Pawlak said Abdi Waise was "literally hunting for a child" when he tried to abduct the girls, aged 11 to 14, in Crouch End in January.
The 28-year-old of Kenneth Robbins House, North London, was jailed for 17 years for six different offences.
Those included kidnap, attempted kidnap and offering to supply drugs.
Wood Green Crown Court heard Waise approached the children separately as they made their way to school on 18 January.

'No standard of morality'

The prosecution said he had become increasingly determined and erratic as each girl got away from him.
He tried to lure two girls into a garden claiming he wanted to search them for drugs, while he told another he knew her mother who had agreed she could join him for breakfast.
The Somali national also offered a group of schoolboys money to use isopropyl nitrate, also known as poppers, on a girl so they could do "whatever they want", police said.
Abdi Waise's sentences:
  • One count of kidnap: Jailed for a total of 17 years
  • Four counts of attempted kidnap: Jailed for a total of 14 years
  • One count of offering to supply class B drugs: Jailed for two years
Each sentence is set to run concurrently.
In each case the girls managed to run away and told their teacher or parents.
Before trying to kidnap the girls, Waise also approached a boy and offered to supply him with cannabis.
Waise was found guilty on four counts of attempted kidnap, one count of kidnap, and one count of offering to supply a controlled class B drug.
"The facts of the offences speak for themselves", Judge Pawlak said.
He told Waise he had "no standard of morality" and "an extended sentence is justified."
The 28-year-old was indefinitely registered on the sex offenders register, given a sexual harm prevention order, and recommended for deportation.


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