How to make your own whiskey sour [video]

How to make your own whiskey sour [video] rgffsd12 (9) A whiskey sour is one of the most classic cocktails you can easily make at home. It seems complex at first, but this video makes it simple. Read More Vertical dance troupe dances on side of building [video] rgffsd12 (8) We’d say, “don’t try this at home,” but that’s kind of useless. You need special equipment to dance on the side of buildings, and even if you had that equipment you wouldn’t look this cool. Read More Dry ice + boiling water = awesome [video] rgffsd12 (7) Need to create a spooky atmosphere in your home? It’s pretty simple: get some dry ice, boiling water, and creepy music and suddenly your house is a swamp of death. Read More What to grow to survive an apocalypse [infographic] Untitled design-7 Think of gardeners all you want as sweet old grandmas with kneepads and pastel, waterproof shoes, but grandma’s no fool; she’s growing a garden worthy of apocalypse survival. Read More How to make your own maple syrup [video] rgffsd12 (4) If you’ve got a maple tree in your yard (or one nearby) you should absolutely watch this video. Even if not, it’s neat to know how maple syrup is produced. Read More Motion capture makes for weird & wonderful dance video [video] Weird & Wonderful Intersection of Dance & Animation This is too fun not to watch. Read More Everything you wanted to know about movie audio [video] rgffsd12 (3) One of the most under-appreciated film-related jobs is sound production. This video shows you just how much work they have to do to make a movie sound good. Read More What’s the difference between a $200 and a $2000 suit [video] rgffsd12 (2) It’s time to buy a new suit. Do you go for the $200 bargain suit, or do you go for the $2000 fancy-pants suit? This video will help you make your decision. Read More Unreal frisbee golf shot caught on tape [video] rgffsd12 (1) Frisbee golf isn’t exactly the most exciting sport, but in this video you’ll see a group of guys absolutely lose their minds. You’ll know why when you see this ridiculous shot. Read More A wedding through the lens of a camera [video] Through the Lens of a Wedding Photographer Many of us have experienced a wedding as a guest, a bride, a groom, an attendant. Only a select few, though, see this event as the photographer does, the person responsible for making it look good for generations to come. Read More Man thinks yelling at oysters will open them [video] rgffsd12 This poor, gullible man. If only this prank weren’t caught on camera, but alas it was. So you can watch him shout at a bucket of oysters trying to get them to open. Read More Kung Fu (Orchid) Mantis versus a jumping spider [video] rgffsd1 (5) This video is a rollercoaster of emotion. First, a baby Orchid Mantis squares off against a jumping spider. Then it has to deal with a full grown Orchid Mantis. We’ll leave the ending a surprise. Read More


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